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**2020 Video Upgrade Packages**

 * Resolution Upgrade (SD<HD or HD<4K)
 * Digital Deliverables (File Transfer, USB Stick, or Hard Drive - HD Files)
 * Future Proofing (Raw Footage, Project Files if applicable)  
 * Social Media Cut (Newly Edited 1 minute Clip for Sharing - Licensed Music Add-On Option)


In the wake of Covid-19, we found ourselves wanting to reach out and check in with all the wonderful families who have hired us over the years and we also realized that this moment created an opportunity to offer our former clients future proofing of the videos we made for them.


Some of these materials are deteriorating and upgrading them is a time sensitive issue. Others were made in a moment of in-between technologies that we can now improve upon. And for even the most recent, the opportunity to up-resolution HD videos to 4K, or spinning off new one-minute Social Media clips with licensed popular music are things we only recently started offering and we wanted to give our old clients the same options! For some clients, we can even offer an entirely Future Proofed Suite of Up-Resolutioned Digital Video Files, Raw Footage, and Project Files on a Hard Drive. 

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